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Bizz: A revista que mudou a história da música brasileira

Até chegar a este ranking, é preciso relembrar a extinta Revista Bizz, que foi o maior informativo sobre música e cultura pop nas décadas de 1980 e 1990. A história dela data de 1985, junto com a abertura política do país e da realização do maior evento musical até aquele ano, o Rock in Rio I. Com o estouro do rock brasileiro - além da notoriedade dos artistas da década passada, que começavam a se tornar referências para a música brasileira - a Bizz “abrasileirou” um tipo de jornalismo que já fazia sucesso lá fora desde o ano de 1967, com a criação da revista Rolling Stone. E chegou ao mercado apenas um ano após a criação do semanário da Billboard, fundadoloteriasonline caixa gov br eloteriasonline caixa gov br e 1984.

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Brahms: The Boy II is a 2024 American supernatural horror film starring Katie Holmes, Ralph Ineson, Christopher Convery and Owain Yeoman. A sequel to the 2024 film The Boy, it is directed by William Brent Bell and written by Stacey Menear, the respective director and writer of the original film.
Brahms: The Boy II
"The Boy" (2024) is a surprisingly good horror film. The sequel "Brahms: The Boy II" (2024) is inferior to the original film but is a decent horror movie that uses many clichs, but startles in many scenes and entertains. The performances are good, the atmosphere is creepy, and the screenplay is acceptable.

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    Liverpool's Sadio Mane converted their crucial fifth penalty kick to send Senegal fans into a frenzy as Egypt failed to qualify for the World Cup. At the other end, Mane's Liverpool teammate Mohamed Salah was one of the Egypt players who missed his penalty during the shootout.

    The tie, however, was marred by controversy as the Egypt players were targeted with lasers during the shootout.

    What exactly happened?

    As Egypt captain Salah stepped up to take a penalty in the shootout, his face was painted green with laser beams being flashed on his face by the Senegal fans from the stands. He ended up blazing his kick over the crossbar.

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