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    You can now find the biggest variety of Zuma Games online, playable directly from your browsers, with no downloads required, and all being free and unblocked, as our administrative team has not only brought along the original game that inspired this series of fantastic bubble shooter games, but we have also put fan-made ones inspired by it, with many of them belonging to other series as well, but using this popular gameplay.

    This video game was originally released in 2003, with one year later seeing the release of an updated version we are sure many of you are familiar with, called Zuma Deluxe. In 2004 it won the title of game of the year at RealArcade, which was a great recognition in addition to the huge sales the game did. Since then it has been ported to mobile devices, new consoles, and you can play it wherever and whenever.

    The rules of Zuma Games explained!

    The game is set in an Amazonian forest with ancient temples and the like, and ceramic balls are moving along a set path in each level, with the paths getting more complicated from one stage to the other one. Your goal is to eliminate all of the rolling balls before they reach the yellow skull, because if they do, it opens its mouth, eats them up, and you lose the stage.

    You shoot your balls, two at a time, from a frog statue, using the mouse, and you can change between them with the right mouse button while using the left one to make the shot after aiming. Aim to hit or create groups of three or more identical balls, meaning that they have the same color, since then they explode, and might even create a chain reaction with other ones.

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